Graphics Designing a Path to Build Dynamic Career in Advertising & Print Agency
Imagine reading an article on a magazine on a white paper without any colour or pictures. Or imagine going through an advertisement without any appealing text font, colors, logo or even photos — Do you think the article or advertisement will have any effect on you or you will grow any interest towards them without any creative input in them?
Graphics designing plays its role exactly at this point and makes a magazine, newspaper or journal article more interesting.
Similarly, it’s the designing of an advertisement that attracts us towards it and we must thank the graphic designers for always creating exclusively delightful visual content for readers. They are the geniuses behind providing ‘visual solutions’ to communications.
Role of Graphic Designers in Print Agencies
In the print industry, graphic designers play very important roles. They helm the overall production design and layout designs of newspapers, magazines and other publications.
A graphic designer in a print agency may need to work with text, photos, types, animation, layout techniques. They should be prompt in using Illustrator, Indesign, QuarkXpress, Photoshop, CorelDraw, GIMP and more to provide the desired results to their clients and readers.
Graphic designers also work on creating logos, brochures, and displays. Because of the convergence in media, they often work with print publication’s web team to convert their designs for web pages, multimedia, and interactive projects. Graphic designers can work with CGI generated pictures, photos clicked through camera or even hand drawn or hand-painted images. As per their medium of delivery, a graphic designer concentrates on two basic things — Type and Images.
If it is an annual report or an advertisement or even a corporate report, a graphic designer can work with the content department, do his research and include graphs and chart in his design to make it attractive, entertaining and informative. Keeping in mind that ‘infotainment’ is the new need of the current era — Graphic designers create designs that meet the expectations of the readers.
Why Graphic Designers Are Indispensable
It has become almost impossible in the present era to work without graphic designers in the print or advertising industry. They are absolute necessities. And needless to say, the necessity is increasing day by day with a growing number of consumers in the sectors.
The industry today needs talented graphic designers who have knowledge about the field as well as are aware of the current trends. Job providers are in search of experts with creative skills and also credible experience.
In such a scenario, it is recommended to enroll yourself in the best available graphic design courses before starting off your career.
Good graphic design courses would provide the students with great exposures to industry standards. They would get to work in all the latest available software and also work in real projects to gain experience.
So before going for the final dig, we recommend you to search for some great graphic design courses and also check the graphic design courses fees.